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Trophy Loom

RRP £40.99


Trophy Loom is a system-agnostic setting book useful for players of Trophy Gold, Trophy Dark, or any fantasy game system. Unlike other setting books, Trophy Loom emphasizes a non-canonical answer to the setting materials. For example, a location is named and loosely defined, and then further sub-defined through random generated tables so each play group’s experience is similar, but not identical, and play groups have room for collaborative creation.


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Publisher: The Gauntlet

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): TGTL1

The Gauntlet

Trophy Loom

Trophy Loom is a system-agnostic setting book useful for players of Trophy Gold, Trophy Dark, or any fantasy game system. Unlike other setting books, Trophy Loom emphasizes a non-canonical answer to the setting materials. For example, a location is named and loosely defined, and then further sub-defined through random generated tables so each play group’s experience is similar, but not identical, and play groups have room for collaborative creation.
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