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The Dark Eye: Aventuria Armory

RRP £33.99


A fantastic array of useful gear and new rules for your Dark Eye campaigns! Equipment listings reveal new details and game benefits for everyday items such as crowbars, astrolabes, and mage’s robes. New hit zone rules allow characters to wear a mix of armour types, whether out of necessity or simply to suit a personal sense of style. Defend yourself with new weapons such as the versatile Warunk hammer, the stealthy nightwind sword, and the fearsome, two-handed Pailos axe. Stride confidently into a dragon’s cave wearing fire-proof Iryan leather armor, or proudly display your social status with a suit of rare and prestigious Tulamydian Mirror Armor. Refine your battle tactics with new rules for advantages, disadvantages, and features for weapons and armour.


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Family: The Dark Eye

Publisher: Ulisses Spiele

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ULIUS25208E

Ulisses Spiele

The Dark Eye: Aventuria Armory

A fantastic array of useful gear and new rules for your Dark Eye campaigns! Equipment listings reveal new details and game benefits for everyday items such as crowbars, astrolabes, and mage’s robes. New hit zone rules allow characters to wear a mix of armour types, whether out of necessity or simply to suit a personal sense of style. Defend yourself with new weapons such as the versatile Warunk hammer, the stealthy nightwind sword, and the fearsome, two-handed Pailos axe. Stride confidently into a dragon’s cave wearing fire-proof Iryan leather armor, or proudly display your social status with a suit of rare and prestigious Tulamydian Mirror Armor. Refine your battle tactics with new rules for advantages, disadvantages, and features for weapons and armour.
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