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The Dark Eye: Theater Knights Part 1: The White Lake

RRP £16.99


As the first snowflakes of winter begin to fall in Bornland, an armed group sets out in search of the missing Thorwal Drum, a symbol of pride and patriotism for the citizens of Festum. The Drum was stolen last spring, and to get it back, Guard Captain Timpski and his men are more than willing to use force. The trail leads them to a laager of Norbard houseboats locked in the ice, and only the heroes are able to delay a brutal assault by Timpskis band. The fragile situation is soon complicated by a blossoming romance between Jääni and Bruutsch, two literature-loving goblins from Festum, and disaster strikes.


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Family: The Dark Eye

Publisher: Ulisses Spiele

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ULIUS25305E

Ulisses Spiele

The Dark Eye: Theater Knights Part 1: The White Lake

As the first snowflakes of winter begin to fall in Bornland, an armed group sets out in search of the missing Thorwal Drum, a symbol of pride and patriotism for the citizens of Festum. The Drum was stolen last spring, and to get it back, Guard Captain Timpski and his men are more than willing to use force. The trail leads them to a laager of Norbard houseboats locked in the ice, and only the heroes are able to delay a brutal assault by Timpskis band. The fragile situation is soon complicated by a blossoming romance between Jääni and Bruutsch, two literature-loving goblins from Festum, and disaster strikes.
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