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Fading Suns: Urth Orthodox-Imperial Dossier

RRP £16.99


Priests of the Orthodoxy - from the ostentatious bishops of the capital cities to the humble parish priests in the most poverty-stricken fiefs - are found throughout the Known Worlds. While this ruling sect of the Universal Church has gained a reputation for cunning political maneuvers, most of its priests know little of such things, being entirely too busy protecting the souls of the simple faithful. While many may spurn the Orthodoxy for its overtly political role, when tragedy strikes, it is the Orthodoxy they return to for consolation.


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Family: Fading Suns

Publisher: Ulisses Spiele

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ULIUS84006

Ulisses Spiele

Fading Suns: Urth Orthodox-Imperial Dossier

Priests of the Orthodoxy - from the ostentatious bishops of the capital cities to the humble parish priests in the most poverty-stricken fiefs - are found throughout the Known Worlds. While this ruling sect of the Universal Church has gained a reputation for cunning political maneuvers, most of its priests know little of such things, being entirely too busy protecting the souls of the simple faithful. While many may spurn the Orthodoxy for its overtly political role, when tragedy strikes, it is the Orthodoxy they return to for consolation.
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