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Harry Potter: Unmask the Death Eaters

RRP £34.99


The Wizarding World is divided—are you loyal to the Order of the Phoenix, or are you aligned with the Death Eaters? In Harry Potter®: Unmask the Death Eaters, deception is around every corner as the magical community is at the mercy of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers. But going to battle will take vigilance, especially with curses being cast in secret by those among you. Taking on the roles of the magical community, work together to find out where loyalties lie and defeat Lord Voldemort™ to win!


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Publisher: USA-OPOLY

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 4-8

Playing Time: 60+ mins

Age Range: 11+

Product Code (SKU): USOHB010839


Harry Potter: Unmask the Death Eaters

The Wizarding World is divided—are you loyal to the Order of the Phoenix, or are you aligned with the Death Eaters? In Harry Potter®: Unmask the Death Eaters, deception is around every corner as the magical community is at the mercy of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers. But going to battle will take vigilance, especially with curses being cast in secret by those among you. Taking on the roles of the magical community, work together to find out where loyalties lie and defeat Lord Voldemort™ to win!
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