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Disney Mickey And Friends Food Fight

RRP £24.99


A nostalgic invitation to play inspired by the Mickey Short “No Service”! It’s a carefree day at the beach with your favorite Disney friends, until a lunchtime food fight ensues! Get in on a chaos of concessions by tossing different dishes and treats from the Snack Shack to clear your tray the fastest! Simultaneously roll dice and follow what types of food to toss, how many, and in which direction… while avoiding others’ food! Empty your tray and be the first player with three Mickey Medals to win the Mickey and Friends Food Fight!


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Family: Disney

Publisher: USA-OPOLY

Subcategory: Board Games

Age Range: 6+

Product Code (SKU): USOPA658002100


Disney Mickey And Friends Food Fight

A nostalgic invitation to play inspired by the Mickey Short “No Service”! It’s a carefree day at the beach with your favorite Disney friends, until a lunchtime food fight ensues! Get in on a chaos of concessions by tossing different dishes and treats from the Snack Shack to clear your tray the fastest! Simultaneously roll dice and follow what types of food to toss, how many, and in which direction… while avoiding others’ food! Empty your tray and be the first player with three Mickey Medals to win the Mickey and Friends Food Fight!
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