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Rocket Rangers Handbook 5E

RRP £12.99


Heads up, Rangers! Don't leave Earth without this book to guide you. Many of you don't look past the Oath, but pay attention to the operational schedule for a listing of all current Ranger stations and missions. Your gear might be the best, but the Solar System is a dangerous place and the troubleshooting guide in Ranger Equipment and Functions is an invaluable resource. This handbook details the United States Rocket Rangers with mission profiles, campaign seeds, equipment, subclasses, feats, and more. Rocket Rangers, Away!


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Publisher: Why Not Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): WNG0526

Why Not Games

Rocket Rangers Handbook 5E

Heads up, Rangers! Don't leave Earth without this book to guide you. Many of you don't look past the Oath, but pay attention to the operational schedule for a listing of all current Ranger stations and missions. Your gear might be the best, but the Solar System is a dangerous place and the troubleshooting guide in Ranger Equipment and Functions is an invaluable resource. This handbook details the United States Rocket Rangers with mission profiles, campaign seeds, equipment, subclasses, feats, and more. Rocket Rangers, Away!
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