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Blood Red Mars (5E)

RRP £36.99


The red sands of Mars are stained dark with the blood of conqueror and conquered, of explorer and savage beast, of alien and native alike. Mars, the Red Planet, named for some long-dead Earthling god of war has lived up to its namesake. Armies march, archaeologists battle the traps of Ancient Mars, and the warbands of the native Chanari raid the towns of the ëcivilizedí caste with impunity. Life on Mars is one of conflict, of gun and blade, of bow and fang, and of ideas. Freedom cry out the Julandri slaves, faith call back the Kastari priestly sects, mine scream the princes and freebooters!


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Family: 5E

Publisher: Why Not Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): WNG0529

Why Not Games

Blood Red Mars (5E)

The red sands of Mars are stained dark with the blood of conqueror and conquered, of explorer and savage beast, of alien and native alike. Mars, the Red Planet, named for some long-dead Earthling god of war has lived up to its namesake. Armies march, archaeologists battle the traps of Ancient Mars, and the warbands of the native Chanari raid the towns of the ëcivilizedí caste with impunity. Life on Mars is one of conflict, of gun and blade, of bow and fang, and of ideas. Freedom cry out the Julandri slaves, faith call back the Kastari priestly sects, mine scream the princes and freebooters!
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