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WizKids: Watchtower Boxed Set

RRP £289.99


Whether standing tall at the edge of the wilds or bordering a city gate, the watchtower is a stone testament to the vigilance and protection provided by noble monarchs and vicious tyrants alike. Regardless of its origins, the watchtower is a recurring set piece in medieval fantasy that your players can now experience with the WizKids: Watchtower Boxed Set! The 14-inch tall Watchtower is the perfect centerpiece of any tabletop battlefield. It is easy to assemble with friction-fit pieces, such as removable windows, buttresses, and crenellations whose strategic exclusion can give your building a battle-damaged look.


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Family: WizKids

Publisher: Wiz Kids LLC

Subcategory: Miniatures

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2023-11-22

Product Code (SKU): WZK76504

Wiz Kids LLC

WizKids: Watchtower Boxed Set

Whether standing tall at the edge of the wilds or bordering a city gate, the watchtower is a stone testament to the vigilance and protection provided by noble monarchs and vicious tyrants alike. Regardless of its origins, the watchtower is a recurring set piece in medieval fantasy that your players can now experience with the WizKids: Watchtower Boxed Set! The 14-inch tall Watchtower is the perfect centerpiece of any tabletop battlefield. It is easy to assemble with friction-fit pieces, such as removable windows, buttresses, and crenellations whose strategic exclusion can give your building a battle-damaged look.
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