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WizKids HeroClix Iconix: Colossal Kong

RRP £29.99


In the distant jungle, a roar bellows. Louder than a lion, tougher than a T-Rex – only one of nature’s creatures could sound so fierce: Colossal Kong! He’s ready to maintain the primal order and defend the natural paradise of the secluded jungle from outsiders. Bring him to your next HeroClix game and show your opponents who is top banana.


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Family: HeroClix

Publisher: Wiz Kids LLC

Subcategory: Miniatures

Players: 2+

Playing Time: 60mins+

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2024-03-06

Product Code (SKU): WZK86275

Wiz Kids LLC

WizKids HeroClix Iconix: Colossal Kong

In the distant jungle, a roar bellows. Louder than a lion, tougher than a T-Rex – only one of nature’s creatures could sound so fierce: Colossal Kong! He’s ready to maintain the primal order and defend the natural paradise of the secluded jungle from outsiders. Bring him to your next HeroClix game and show your opponents who is top banana.
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