Aconyte Books & Fantasy Flight Games collaborate to publish collected novellas from Arkham and Rokugan

The first title, Arkham Horror: Dark Origins, features the exciting Investigator tales Hour of the Huntress, The Dirge of Reason, Ire of the Void, and The Deep Gate. All bring glimpses of the eldritch terrors lurking beneath that most mysterious and blighted New England town.
Written by a quartet of notable tie-in fiction authors, Dark Origins will be published in the US and Canada on 19 October and on 18 December in the UK.
“Fantasy Flight Games is excited that Aconyte is collecting our novellas for the first time in trade paperback format and is offering these stories to a wider audience,” says Katrina Ostrander, FFG’s Creative Director of Story & Setting. “The Dark Origins collection is the perfect introduction to the investigators from the acclaimed Arkham Horror board and card games, and all of these novellas were crafted with input from the FFG designers on the Arkham Horror story team.”
The Legend of the Five Rings setting brings fans The Great Clans of Rokugan, collecting three published novellas together for the first time, as well as a brand-new and keenly awaited unpublished novella. The volume features the Clan stories Ice and Snow, The Sword and the Spirits, Whispers of Shadow and Steel, and Across the Burning Sands. Written in conjunction with the ongoing storyline of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, they bring tales of samurai, assassins and wild magic from across the fantastical lands of Rokugan.
Written by mixture of established Legend of the Five Rings fiction authors and members of FFG’s story team, The Great Clans of Rokugan will publish in the US and Canada on 23 November and on 21 January 2022 in the UK.
These first volumes will be available in trade paperback and ebook formats. Unlike FFG’s original limited-run novellas, these story collections will not contain game cards. Two further collections are planned for spring 2022. A variety of translated editions are being planned with Aconyte’s European publishing partners.
At the beginning of 2019, Aconyte was announced as Fantasy Flight Games’ fiction partner for original novels, creating new adventures based around its most famous and imaginative games Arkham Horror, Twilight Imperium, Legend of the Five Rings, Descent: Legends of the Dark, and KeyForge. More announcements are expected as Aconyte’s range of world-expanding fiction grows further.