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I’m a Celebrity – get me playing the new game of Jungle, Hat, Dunny, Star, Hammock!

I’m a Celebrity – get me playing the new game of Jungle, Hat, Dunny, Star, Hammock!



Combining two of the nations’ great loves: Game playing and the TV sensation ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of here!’ - We’re excited to introduce Jungle, Hat, Dunny, Star Hammock. You read that right, this game is sure to be the hit of this year and on every ‘want’ list across the country!

Eagle eyed fans may recognise this game play from the ever-popular Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza - the worldwide best-selling game. But for those I’m a Celebrity fans – this game offers so much more, with creepy crawlies to boot!

Yes, it is a simple, no fuss and easy-to-play card game, with fans describing it as ‘filled to the brim with hand-slapping mayhem!’ but, depending on who you’re playing with – it can get quiet competitive! You’ve got to remember to keep these 5 jungle related crazy words in mind as you play. This would be our top tip because the game really is as unique as its name! As soon as there is a match between a card and a spoken word, you must race against each other to slap your hand on the central pile of cards. The last one to do so must take them all – which must feel like you’re about to take part in a jungle trial!

Can you win it back and be a camp champion – it’s in your hands only! Much like being in the jungle, you’ve got to keep your wits about you and be quick – your goal is to be the first to get rid of all your cards. But watch out, your mind may play tricks on you just like the jungle does on the campmates!

As well as watching the cards, you have trials, or actions to do. So, if you spot the crocodile card, you must snap your arms together like a crocodile’s jaw; Spotted a grub: you’ve got to move your hands up to your mouth and wiggle your fingers, like a hungry grub and if you spot the scary spider, a player must cover their mouths with both hands and gasp. So get your acting skills ready when you play!

This game is for everyone aged 9+ and for 2-8 players. A game can take around 10 minutes to play but we guarantee it will be hard to stop once you start playing.

For further information on Asmodee, please contact Mason Williams:
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