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Valentine's Day Games for Couples

Valentine's Day Games for Couples

Sometimes it can be difficult to think of an original Valentine’s Day idea, and booking a table at a busy restaurant does not quite tick the box for you. In this instance, planning a special night at home could be a great alternative.

If you and your partner enjoy bonding over a fun board game, why not plan your Valentine’s Day evening around this? Gather your collection of games and spend your night in, having fun playing a range of cooperative or competitive games. Or, keep it a surprise and as a valentine's day gift choose a board game for your significant other that the both of you will enjoy. Within this article, we’ll explore board games for couples to play on Valentine's Day which we think are perfect for the two of you.

Patchwork Valentine Edition

Bananagrams Duel

If you’re both a fan of word games, Bananagrams is a great portable addition to have in your game collection. In this Duel version, there is a reduced number of letter tiles since they have been transformed into letter cubes. In this quick-playing game, each player will be given 12 cubes and must race to create their own crossword of words from these cubes. This simultaneous method of play means that you’re both thinking of words at the same time so there are no gaps in play. The first player to complete their crossword will receive a banana card. Achieve 10 of these banana cards to win!

Love Letter: Clamshell Edition

The name itself made us add this competitive card game to our Valentine’s games list. Love Letter relies on luck, risk and deduction for you to try and get your letter into Princess Annette's hands. Unfortunately, the princess is locked in the palace so you must rely on other characters to take your romantic letter to her. You’ll have to use your cards wisely to knock other players out and get enough letters to reach the princess so she falls in love with you.

Splendor Duel

This two player version of Splendor has even been described by some as better than the original! Players rely on both intellect and luck, and must carefully consider actions before making them. Be warned - this version of Spendor is slightly more tense, mean, interactive and difficult, making it a favourite among the competitive duo. Can you make the right decisions to claim the most expensive gems?


Carcassonne is a popular tile-placement game where players must strategically place tiles of Southern France landscape to create connected cities, roads and more. The game mechanics are simple yet rich, and allow players to act competitively in stealing points by placing tiles calculatedly.

Not only is this game great for two players, but it’s a good addition to your collection since it can also be played by up to 5 players.

7 Wonders Duel

As with the original 7 Wonders game, players acquire cards over three ‘Ages’, but this version of the game is made specifically for two people. In comparison, this game has created a different way of gaining cards for set collection. If you’re already a fan of 7 Wonders, this version is a great option for a couple since games last only around 30 minutes and it offers a high replayability factor. You can also find Duel expansions, Agora and Pantheon, which extends your game with new characters.

Ticket to Ride London

Virtually every Brit has a memory of a weekend trip to London, has dreams of visiting in the future, or perhaps even lives there now! Because of this, Ticket to Ride London is a great board game for Valentine’s Day, where you might want to reflect on past journeys together or celebrate your plan for a future romantic trip to the capital.

The Ticket to Ride London game takes the same simple mechanics from the original game, but the game board is designed on a 1970s London map. Players collect cards, claim bus routes and draw tickets with the aim of completing full bus routes, especially those described on their Destination Tickets. The winner of the game is the player who has scored the most points by claiming bus routes and completing Destination Tickets.


Noggin is a fast-paced card game created by radio DJ Matt Edmondson under Format Games. Using three piles, as soon as an action card is placed down, players will race to complete the action using the two letter cards visible on the pile. For example, if the action card is ‘bookend’ you must use the two letters to create a word that starts and ends with the letters. 

Although Noggin is just as fun with two players, you can also use this as a party game option and play with up to 20 people!

More Two Player Games
If you’re still searching for more two player games, take a look at our dedicated page for games for duos. With all of the two player games available, you’re sure to have a Valentine’s Day to remember!